Fish Diseases and Disorders

Fish Diseases and Disorders

  • Publisher: VENUS
  • Model-isbn: 9789386559142
  • ISBN: 9789386559142
  • Availability: In Stock
  • ₹2,600.00

Book Info

Author Naveen Gupta
Page No 312
Year 2023
1. Common Disorders in Fishes, 2. Lymphocystis Disease of Fishes, 3. Fish Diseases and Health Issues, 4. Saltwater Ich/White Spot Disease, 5. Fish Dropsy, 6. Fish Diseases and Parasites, 7. Infectious Salmon Anemia Virus8. Disease in Ornamental Fish, 9. Fish Disease Treatments, 10. Aquarium Fish Diseases and Treatments, 11. Fish Diseases: Diagnosis and Possible Cures

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