Computer and Scheduling Algorithms

Computer and Scheduling Algorithms

  • Publisher: VENUS
  • Model-isbn: 9789386559463
  • ISBN: 9789386559463
  • Availability: In Stock
  • ₹2,495.00

Book Info

Author Dr. Rajesh Verma
Page No 260
Year 2023
1. Algorithm Efficiency, Synthesis and Programme Optimization, 2. Introduction to Algorithm: Characterizations and Examples, 3. Algorithm Trading and Computer Programme Profiling, 4. Algorithm: Focus on Abstract Machine, Design and Engineering, 5. Focus on Data Collection, Container and Data Model, 6. Focus on Linked Data Structure and Persistent Data Structure, 7. Focus on Empirical Algorithm and Medical Algorithm, 8. Data Structure and Concurrent Data Structure: An Introductory Overview, 9. Towards Understanding the Theory of Computation and Partial Function, 10. Parents Fields of Genetic Algorithms, 11. Genetic Algorithms, 12. Applications of Genetic Algorithms,

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