Advance Foundation Engineering: Geotechnical Engineering Series

Advance Foundation Engineering: Geotechnical Engineering Series

  • Publisher: VENUS
  • Model-isbn: 9789351540809
  • ISBN: 9789351540809
  • Availability: In Stock
  • ₹495.00

Book Info

Author Dr. Sunil Garg
Page No 298
Year 2016
1. Introduction to Geotechnical Engineering, 2. Geology Engineering and Soils, 3. Weathering of Rocks and Minerals in soil, 4. Mechanics of Soils, 5. Soil Hydrology Engineering, 6. Soils and Landscapes, 7. Properties of Soil, 8. Soil Geomorphology, 9. Soil Resources, 10. Soil Classification, 11. Soil Water Interaction in the Environment, 12. Grading and Composition of Soil Engineering

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